

Hi there! I'm Draco, a passionate developer dedicated to creating innovative projects and tools that make a difference in people's lives. I strive to build solutions that are not only functional but also intuitive and enjoyable to use.


Draco Bot

Work in progress 2024+ Programmer Founder for fun

A multi-purpose dragon-themed Discord bot designed to enhance server engagement with features like moderation, music playback, and custom commands. The bot is constantly being updated with new capabilities to serve the community better. Key features include:

  • Created the Discord bot from scratch, implementing core functionalities and user commands
  • Developed and maintained the I/O for seamless bot-to-site integration
  • Programmed interactive games and fun commands to entertain users
  • Integrated various APIs to extend bot capabilities
  • Conducted regular updates and debugging to ensure optimal performance
View (work in progress) site

Red Dragon Servers

Defunct Jan 2015 - Dec 2021 | Programmer Founder for fun

Independent Left 4 Dead 2 and Team Fortress 2 server host that provided dedicated gaming servers for the community. Known for their reliability and custom server mods, these servers were a favorite among players until their closure. The project was ultimately discontinued due to the removal of "Quick Play" in Team Fortress 2. My highlights of this project include

  • Hosted multiple game servers with custom mods, ensuring a unique gaming experience
  • Optimized server-to-client communication to provide a stable and lag-free gaming experience
  • Developed unique mods and game modes to enhance gameplay
  • Handled server maintenance and troubleshooting to ensure continuous uptime
  • Managed a small team of moderators and support staff

Lessons Learned: This project taught me valuable skills in server management, network optimization, and team leadership. I learned the importance of community engagement and how to handle large-scale server operations. Additionally, troubleshooting and maintaining servers provided deep insights into server architecture and performance tuning.

View archived site

Drakes "Fury" Engine

Abandoned Nov 2012 - 2018 | Programmer Founder for fun

A simple game engine that became a part of Delix. Despite being abandoned, it was a great learning experience and a fun project.

  • Built the engine from scratch using C++ and OpenGL.
  • Implemented basic game physics and rendering pipelines.
  • Developed a simple level editor for creating game maps.
  • Collaborated with a small team of artists and designers.
  • Project abandoned due to lack of interest and shifting priorities.

Lessons Learned: This project taught me a lot about low-level graphics programming, project management, and the importance of community engagement for sustaining interest in open-source projects...

Delix (v0.0.0 - V6.6.7)

Defunct Aug 2011 - Sep 2023 - Programmer Data engineer PAID

This project aimed to develop an advanced artificial intelligence system capable of learning and adapting in real-time. Despite its ambitious goals, the project was ultimately discontinued due to funding and ethical concerns. Key achievements and challenges include:

  • Developed a machine learning algorithm capable of real-time adaptation
  • Worked on ethical frameworks to guide AI development and deployment
  • Faced significant funding challenges, requiring innovative problem-solving
  • Collaborated with experts in AI and ethics to address complex issues
  • Maintained and troubleshooted server infrastructure to support AI operations
  • Conducted extensive testing and validation of AI models

Lessons Learned: This project provided deep insights into the complexities of AI development and ethical considerations. Key lessons include the importance of securing sustainable funding, the need for ethical guidelines in AI development, and the value of cross-disciplinary collaboration to address multifaceted challenges.

Please note that some of my projects are not listed here..